sabato 30 gennaio 2010

JJ: My Life

I really like this one, especially the vocals:
quoting the ATC is unbelievable, yet lovely.

JJ >
My Life

image via the blogger himself

venerdì 29 gennaio 2010

Goldfrapp: Believer

Goldfrapp >

once again via il più tenero dei pirla
unknown photographer

mercoledì 27 gennaio 2010

Justice: Beginning Of The End

Justice new single.
At least that's what they say.
Love it or hate it.

Justice >
Beginning Of The End
ed banger records

unknown photographer

UPDATE: it was a fake as you can see here; so we all bought it, but it was really hard to believe someone wasted their time sending an email from a fake address like this. sorry y'all.

venerdì 22 gennaio 2010

Goldfrapp: Rocket

Oh, Alison.

Goldfrapp >

via il più tenero dei pirla

giovedì 21 gennaio 2010

Gorillaz: Stylo (feat. Mos Def & Bobby Womack)

So many delightful news and it's just January.
Gorillaz new single leaked yesterday and it's all over the so called music blogs. And it's almost love at first listen. Also, it reminds me of a mid 90s Massive Attack collaboration with someone we truly love. But, once again, it's just me.

Gorillaz >
Stylo feat. Mos Def & Bobby Womack (LINK REMOVED)

unknown photographer

mercoledì 20 gennaio 2010

Groove Armada: Shameless (feat. Bryan Ferry)

Certainly not one of their best tracks, but hey, it's Groove Armada.
Their new album drops out next March so we can guess there will be better tracks soon to post on these pages.

Groove Armada >
Shameless (feat. Bryan Ferry)

image via Carl W Heindl (found on ntd)

sabato 16 gennaio 2010

Act Yo Age: Song For Nona

Primo weekend 2010 là fuori per noi.
Dalla Sweat It Out ecco Act Yo Age.
Pensavo s'adattasse bene ad introdurre No Controles Fitness di questa sera, al Mads di via dei Sabelli.

See you there.

Act Yo Age > Song For Nona

image via yellowbird

venerdì 15 gennaio 2010

The Knife: Colouring Of Pigeons

The Knife are ready to launch their new album, Tomorrow, In A Year. To promote its release, they're giving away free mp3s on their official website. So if the download limit has been reached here, you know where to find it.

The Knife >
Colouring Of Pigeons

image via alma vogler

giovedì 14 gennaio 2010

Hot Chip: I Feel Better

2010 keeps getting better.
New Hot Chip, One Life Stand, is on its way to your hard disks.

Hot Chip > I Feel Better (link removed)

unknown photographer

giovedì 7 gennaio 2010

Sprained Cookies: More

Sprained Cookies >

image via
ludovic m

sabato 2 gennaio 2010

Roisin Murphy: Momma's Place

It's always for the best.

Cominciamo il 2010 con Roisin Murphy, la più derubata del 2009.
O almeno così lei dice.

Roisin Murphy > Momma's Place (alt)

song via il più tenero dei pirla, image via ntd